It's not warm for the water pump!
What's up with that expression? The original saying: "C'est pas chaud pour la pompe à eau!" was invented by friends. I translated it. It means exactly what you think it means if you thought it meant: "It's cold for my private parts!" If you thought it meant something else, well, you're wrong.
Just had a lot of fun slightly modifying the HTML codes of my blog page to personalize it a little. It's late, but as usual, I can't sleep. Tonight is my last night sleeping at my dad's home in his very cold basement. (My god, I'm back when I was 18, living in my parents basement...). It's also cold outside, but usually it's pretty well insulated...
Went to see my little sister at her figure skating practice tonight. Being a hockey player, I found the rythm and the coaching methods rather unusual. But I must admit it was efficient if a little slow. Figure skating is probably one of the most dangerous sports to practice giving the fact they don't wear any protection at all! And when you land on your butt with leggings...Whooo, must be freezing! (I don't know what's my sudden obsession with cold, I'm usually not such a sissy). Anyway, here's some pictures taken by the dad a few weeks ago:
My sister is the little girl smiling, reaching for the coach's hand:

Again, in the middle, holding the coach's hand:

The sis is funny! She skates like a hockey player thanks to my dad's teachings...A real shame! Speaking of shame, while looking for the photos, I got a great fuzzy one of myself advertising cheap Canadian beer for free. Nice hair Tup!

Yeah, I really want to stay single!
Wow Tupper, what kind of post are you writing? No dark thoughts! No bad feelings, no sadness, no need to express love, turned into hatred, turned into rage, turned into hunger. I'm hungry, time to go get some free food while it last!
A little more than a day before having to fight for the best seats in the bus! And only 5 days before getting to Banff dirty!
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