Broken Link
Not that much time again, was supposed to have a day off tomorrow, but being quite short-staffed, I offered myself (They'll sacrifice me...) I also forgot my USB cord, so no pics...Sorry. Just ate the second greatest burger ever with a great snakebite (Apple Cider and Beer...) at a nice, despite being too touristy Irish Pub...
A funny thing, the pub is asking for ID for anybody under 30 (How can they know we are under 30? I know, it's LOOKING under 30...), so all the Québecers gave their driving license. It is not obvious to find the birthdate on a Québec driving licence if you don't know where it is. Seconds of fun ensued watching the waitress struggling to find where the damn date is, then pretending she knew:

Answer: She's was born on December 9th 1966.
Did you know?
If you do a Yahoo search with the following words: "Cheerleaders+getting+it+in+the+ass", the first result that will appear is my fucking blog! Check it out:
(EDIT: You'll apparently have to do it yourself, the link doesn't seem to work, probably because of the words being searched...)
How, do I know that? Well, I found out while doing my daily search for cheerleaders! Actually, I discovered that while looking at my website stats, looking at the way people get to my blog...this was one way.
Still, I'm the first result! Okay, I know, it's really not that much of an achievement...
Just wanted to say something about the hurricane...It's quite disturbinng to hear that a natural catastophe like a hurricane can do so many victims in a modern North-American city and that it might close it for up to 6 months! My thoughts are going to the victims.
Anything else? Yes actually, but I got no time, will post a long one on my next day off, whenever it is...
Time to go drink beer and eat fudge (And probably puke the mix...)
Katrina's aftermath
A massive hurricane wallops the Gulf Coast, submerging New Orleans and turning lives upside down in one of the worst natural disasters in U.S. history.
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