Beware of imitations...
There is only one Tupperfan:

Imitation is a form of flattery...Well, I'm flattered. And I have to say she does it with far more style than me! I also have to insist on the fact that this image was a PARODY and not a sign of admiration...;op
Me semble qu'il "manque" quelque chose, Stéf? ;op
So nothing else to report today, my life is dead, mostly thanks to my job...Oh! It reminds me, we had a formative test today in my training class. One of the ladies was so stressed about that little piece of shit (the test), downplayed all week by the trainer, that she puked all night long, did the test, went to puke again and then went home. I can understand, but still...
I guess I shouldn't judge, but some of those people put on my nerves...
Time to go count the days before quitting...and maybe think about soiled sheets (almost a housekeeping joke, isn't it BVI people?)...
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