Keywords: tree-planting, treeplanting, tree-planter, treeplanter, tree-plant, treeplant...
Okay, I'm talking to all of you guys who are visiting this site looking for info or pics about treeplanting. I know, I check my stats, and there is a shitload of people, mostly Ontarians, ending up here after typing words like tree-planting. So I'll tell you a few things, mostly for you Ontarians since I mostly planted in your province:
First of all, if you guys are interested for the upcoming season and still don't have applied with any treeplanting company, you should get on that pretty soon! If you want more info before taking a final decision, you should visit this site.
If you want a quick glance at planter's life in various places and camp sizes, check out this picture slideshow(A pic or two of mine are there, as well as my ugly face).
So that's it for treeplanting for now, don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions, or if you're interested in buying your personalized treeplanter LEGO minifig:

Went to my weekly Web-TV project reunion yesterday. It's gaining momentum, there was five of us and we'll start to do casting calls in 3 Metropolitan Montréal Cégeps that have acting classes. Here's a pic of last night. Mat and I both wrote our first names on our Labatt Blue to be sure not to mix them up...A great idea given the fact we have the same first names!

Okay, so I got the ADT job today, I'm starting Monday. A funny anecdote: I met two of the bosses today. At first, they were reticent to hire me and I thought it was because I bordersucked (Tupperfan's dictionnary:Bordersuck: You suck, but not enough to be dismissed without consideration).
But then, I realized they were reticent to hire me was because I did quite well. "Almost too-well" in the exact words of the office manager (Don't remember his name, but I liked him). Actually, the two guys I met told me I was over-qualified and they were afraid I would rapidly get bored and leave. I was successful in convincing them it wouldn't be the case and they looked quite happy to hire me. I told them one of the reasons that attracted me to the job was the no-sale environment. The manager said that for a guy who didn't like sales, I scored pretty high on the sales results. I never said I was not good at sales, just that I didn't like to sell shit.
It's another matter when I have to sell myself. They were right to be worried, this is only a temporary job for me until treeplanting and I have learned a long time ago that I'll never be satisfied by an office job or working for others...doesn't mean I won't like the job or won't ask for an unpaid leave while I'm planting, just that their guts and/or the tests results were somehow right on! So I won't bullshit them, when the time arise, I'll tell them that I can't miss the opportunity to go back planting trees, that I would like to get back there after the planting season, but of course there is no way I could tell them that right now!
I STILL am a fucking liar!
But hey, I'm not a true asshole this time. They might be persons to the law, but corporations are not individuals in my eyes. So no guilt there. They'll put me on probation for three months, I'm barely doing the same!
Time to go file that growing nose...
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