Through the Eye of the Beholder
Here's a few planting pictures taken by other people and stolen by myself. A fair thing giventhat a shitload of people took mine and posted on their MSN spaces and on the face...something university network. Besides, just be proud that I dare to post them on my famous blog...right.

A bear!!! Oh my god!!! This look like a enlargement, where was it in relation to people?

About this close to tents at this moment, but much closer before. Cracker chased it up this tree. We had quite a bear problem this year...

Tent city in the middle of the desert (ignore the treeline). Damn, it's almost biblical! Our first camp was set in a sand carry.

That's what happens when you don't anchor it well...It kinda looks like Erika's tent, doesn't it?

Cracker, Spanish camp's unofficial mascot, being photogenic again.

Erika, after quite a bad day of black flies.

Michelle, Erika (sans bug bites) and Megan on day off, at the hotel, getting drunk enough for Club 147.

Planters being the sole crowd on a weeknight at Club 147. It's not different on a weekend night...

Hum, I don't remember being in this pic...but it's not unusual. Shawn, Jacy, Joël and Paolo are sharing this moment with me and my midget mohawk.

Me, Joël, Jen, Karen and Shawn cramped in the back of the bus, on our way to day off, but...

..the bus broke down. Not the first, not the last one.

Timmins, day off's Metropolis (And Shania Twain's hometown), as seen from a Days Inn's room.
I'll post the rest of the other pics I stole in my next entry.
yay for stolen pics! looks like fun, i like the bear ;)
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