I am tired and have a bunch of readings to do. So I'll just post a few pictures and will wait until tomorrow to tell you a little about my great job...

The Sir Georges-Étienne Cartier monument in front of the Mount-Royal and its cross.

Parts of the old Angus factories that became a parking for a huge Loblaws supermarket.

This guy was talking to himself on the streets. Loneliness...

Getting ready for a high school footbal game in the Jeanne-Mance park, in the shadows of the Mount-Royal.

Saturday Night Lights.

One of the thousands of restaurants of the city of Montréal(Second only to New York city in North America for the amount of restaurants). A typical small junk food place.
Time to go read on interculturalism.
that first picture really caught my eye because if you have a cross displayed where anyone in public can see it, some american will go and sue the government and try to get millions of dollars and make them take down the cross. and all of these are cases when the cross was on private land. it's so stupid. i'm not even very religious, i just don't pay much attention to things i don't believe in or like. anyway, good pics as always
I'm actually really surprised! In Canada, but mostly in Québec, because of our Catholic background, crosses and other christian symbols are omnipresent, despite the fact that religion almost completely disapeared from most people's lives.
It's interesting, coming from a country that have a huge religious image (Despite also having one of the biggest atheist populations in the world).
I'm also not very religious, but I don't mind any religious symbol, of any religion. I usually find those relics beautiful!
Speaking of the pic of the cross, did you take it? I'm looking for a pic like that for a Kindle cover for one of my short stories.
Could you contact me at john@woolfrey.ca? I tried where it said "contact me" on your site, but it wasn't active
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