Saturday, January 06, 2007

Brain in the pants, head in the bush...

Happy new year!

Well, here it is, my first post of 2007. And I can't find a better way to kick the new year than with a treeplanting post!

So, again, people sick of reading me going on and on about treeplanting should ignore this post. All the people landing here after a treeplanting inquiry on en search engine should read it, but it's actually not that informative. And I edited it a little since my first draft was written at 4AM last night, coming back from a bar and was therefore a little long and confusing.

This one time at treeplanting...

Not really though. This is a post about the exciting season that slowly shows the tip of its nose, in a little less than...4 months!?!

I've been confirmed as a tree deliverer. Which means that I'll be paid about 200$/day to drive pick-up trucks and quads all day, delivering trees to the planters and doing long-distance errands like moving camp and getting water, gas and food. But the down side is that a day might easily last from 5:30AM to 10:30PM. Mah, I'm ready for that.

Last year, I trained for this job and, thanks to that training, I was able to help when we had a situation that required a third tree-runner for a few days. In total, I worked as a deliverer for about 5 days. This year, I'll be part of camp's management and full-time tree-deliverer. You don't know how much I've dreamed and worked for this job and I can't wait for the season to start. Which I guess is a little obvious when you post about planting on January 6th!

We also lost the contract I worked on for the last three seasons. I did other contracts, but this was my first and main one. It was also Outland's first contract about 22 years ago. We got underbid, but the good news is, we got a better contract, with better tree prices. I must admit a change will be welcome. A decent change, as a lot of people from our old contract will make the move, as well as a lot of management with whom I'm used to work, either as my previous crewbosses (or foreman), as coworkers, or both.

So, it wsn't too bad, was it?

Time to explore 2007!

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At 6:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous rants...

congrats! sounds like fun, and i hope you have an excellent new year!


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