Friday, April 06, 2007

International Politics and Climate Change

Apparently, IPCC stands for International Politics and Climate Change.

Well, as long as we keep playing on words, removing statistics and possible outcomes for our own nations, climate changes should remain a problem only on paper:

"According to delegation sources in Brussels, the last-minute obstacles,
which had to be resolved in drafting the final text, came from Saudi

Arabia, China and Russia insisting on a watering-down of the text.

During ongoing negotiations in Brussels, experts from 130 nations had yielded to demands from the United States and China.

The sections removed included one on the expected climate damage in
North America, sources said. The draft had originally said that
tornadoes, drought, flooding and fires would increase as a result of
climate change and was removed at the behest of the US.

During negotiations, China had insisted that one part of a text be
removed according to which damage 'with a very high likelihood' would
occur. Scientists attending the negotiations had then demanded that
this particular part of the text be retained. A compromise was then

At the start of the conference, it became known that at least one-fifth
of animal species and plant species were in danger of extinction. Heat,
smog and malnutrition were making more and more people ill. Floods and
droughts are becoming more frequent.

Here we are again: Assuming our planet follows human rules. Let's count on bureaucrats and diplomats to solve the problem!

Link to article cited above.

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) website

"Consensus grows on climate changes", BBC article regarding IPCC's Work Group 1 (WG1) summary release (February 2007)

"Stark picture of a warming world", BBC article regarding IPCC's Work Group 2 (WG2) summary release (April 2007)

WG1 summary for Policy Makers (PDF)
WG2 summary for Policy Makers (PDF)

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