So much to do, so little time left!
Okay, where to start?
First the messages:
Stéphane: Sorry dude, I tried to call you but it gave me a "wrong number" (and a very angry guy). As for getting to the Loft on the previous day, my meeting ended up too late, and I was to tired to get to the bar.
Costa Rica seems great, can't wait to see the pics! Say hello to Tania and Marie-Michelle for me!
Val: What's up with you? Still like the farm work in Australia?
Jen: Damn, I wasn't able to attend, I'm so sorry! Happy birthday!!!
Matt Toupin: Man, we have a hard time planning anything! I'm leaving soon, what about lunch?
I'm leaving in two days for Toronto where I have a vehicle and tree delivery training on April 27th and 28th.
Until then, here's what I have to do:
-Buy new steel-toed boots
Soon my schedule will be...simpified. Can't fucking wait.
So yeah, it has been busy. The grocery job sucks, but at least it goes by fast. But damn some people are dumb! Not only I hang around with Emo guy (He's actually quite nice, but the guy only listens to Emo Punk and looks like the Simple Plan singer (Another not proud Québec exportation...). But seriously, customers can be stupid. When they are not asking for a product right in front of them (they never search, always ask...the layout is simple and the aisles products are written on clear signs!) or a price tagged quite clearly on the shelf, they are being rude, obnoxious and impolite. And they want the contrary of you! The best, when a client puts away a carton of eggs because one is slightly cracked. What do oyu think you,ll do when you'll use them fucker? Of course I understand they might boil them or don't want any mess while in transit, but still, a minor crack!
I do my fare share of facing the shelves and I can't wait to be done, I already see myself calling the boss: "Sorry Sylvain, I can't come facing your store today nor tomorrow for I'll be in the middle of the woods!"
About Stéfanie, I just don't feel like saying anything about this relationship just yet. First, she has been known to hang around this blog. Second, I don't want to say too much or not enough, but I can say I'll miss her for the next two months...
Okay, to put myself in the mood and get the blog into "planting mode", heres a few planting pics that were never posted on this blog:

Corporal Bill

Bed-In in Timmins

How sweet! Bill, Geoff and me.

Codie, teddy bear (me) and LKP on prom night

Bus session AKA "Bad Boys"

The cooks and Kenny

Tim, Kerri and, hum, damn a blank (shit I feel bad...) in the hotel hall.

Cousins. Amy and Adam.

Bald days. Codie and me.

Andy sinking...

Last one, around the camp fire.
Time to go get bug spray.
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